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Effect of ischaemia on peripheral nerve function in patients with chronic renal failure undergoing dialysis treatment
  1. P. Castaigne,
  2. H. -P. Cathala,
  3. L. Beaussart-Boulengé,
  4. M. Petrover
  1. Laboratoire d'EMG, Clinique des Maladies du Systéme Nerveux, Hôpital de la Saltpêtriére, Paris, France


    During 30 minutes of maintained ischaemia of the upper limb, the nerve action potential (NAP) persists in some uraemic patients until the end of the test, and in all patients significantly longer than in normal subjects. Such behaviour is similar to that seen in diabetic patients and unlike that seen in people receiving high doses of insulin and glucose perfusion. Renal dialysis increases this tendency, while macromolecular perfusion after dialysis tends to correct it.

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